Why not full speed ahead in the implementation of cobots? Report reveals the needs and barriers

New report delves into the barriers keeping many Danish companies from implementing cobots in their production, while also exploring what benefits they see cobots providing and what they need to start implementing cobots.
The report “Danske virksomheders brug af cobots: Barrierer, gevinster og behov” (ENG: “Danish companies’ use of cobots: Barriers, benefits and needs”) is a part of a report conducted as part of the project Cobot Knowledge Lab at the Danish Technological Institute, which seeks to inform and train Danish manufacturers in the opportunities and use of cobots.
Based on a larger report, this report is an abridged version that presents the results from a questionnaire that explored what the Danish manufacturing industry needs to start implementing cobots, while also enlightening the Danish robotics, automation and drone industry on the barriers, potential end users’ experience with cobots.
“Manufacturers want to know how to optimise their production, while robot and automation distributors want to learn more about their market. This is where the report comes in handy and can be used as a tool for Danish companies everywhere. There are endless possibilities awaiting the Danish industry once they decide to implement cobots in their production – and this report is a step forward in assisting in this journey,” says Christina E. Wanscher, Network Manager, Odense Robotics.
The project is a collaboration between Odense Robotics, the Danish Technological Institute, the University of Southern Denmark, DIRA, Frauhofer, Aarhus University and the Danish Industry Foundation.
Report reveals companies lack cobot knowledge
The report shows that more than half of the companies with cobot knowledge have automation experience, while the other half has no cobot experience at all. The main reason for this is that companies feel that cobots have no place in their production and many lack knowledge and information about the possibilities and benefits cobots provide.
“The project is an important step in getting more knowledge about cobots and thereby more cobots into the Danish manufacturing industry. Cobots enable more agile and flexible production and many Danish companies produce smaller volumes but with great variation, which is why cobots can help optimise their production and enable faster, safer and more efficient production, while reducing monotonous human labour,” says Søren Peter Johansen, Technology Manager at the Danish Technological Institute.
More cobots in the Danish manufacturing industry
46% of the companies with cobot knowledge said that they either have or are in the process of gathering cobot competences, while the report showed that more than half of the companies have no cobot competences although many of them are willing to pay for services that could train or upskill them in using cobots.
“The Danish robotics and automation industry needs to know what is keeping a large part of the market from buying our robots. The report “Danish companies’ use of cobots: Barriers, benefits and needs” makes this very clear and explains how we can reach more end users in the future,” said Casper Hansen, CEO of Technicon.
Reports and ressources
- Read the new report regarding needs and barriers here >>
- See the full report here >>
- Learn more about Cobot Knowledge Lab >>