Improve your supply chain
Odense Robotics helps member companies improve their supply chain and production. We help you take steps towards optimising your supply chain setup and identifying the right suppliers. You can also take part in our supply chain network meetings, where you can share best practice with your peers and learn from industry experts.

Why supply chain
Dansk Industri estimates that between 60-80% of a company's costs are directly or indirectly related to suppliers and other supply chain activities. So improving your supply chain is a key step towards strengthening your company’s competitive edge. We help you tap into best practice, so you can optimise your supply chain and production setup.
How can we help?
There are three ways in which your company can benefit from our supply chain activities.
Odense Robotics offers advice and support on how to optimise your company’s supply chain – helping you evaluate your current setup and make strategic improvements.
We also help you scope and identify the right suppliers and potential business partners by drawing on our knowledge of relevant industry suppliers.
Lastly, you can join our Supply Chain network, which connects supply chain professionals from robot, automation and drone companies with the aim of facilitating best practice and knowledge sharing.
What is the network about?
Supply chain professionals come together to share ideas, industry insights, successes, build relations and engage in network discussions.
Here, you can learn from peers by sharing key learnings about challenges and successes. You can also learn from industry experts, who will share best practice cases, tools and methods that can offer inspiration on how to optimise your supply chain setup and increase efficiency.
There are 2-3 network events held each year. For more information, see Networks.
Who can access supply chain services?
Employees working within the supply chain and production at an organisation that is a paying member of Odense Robotics. Participation is free of charge.
Contact us to learn more about how you can improve your supply chain and production.

Supply Chain and Servitization