Join ROSCon 2024 as a sponsor
Become a sponsor at the ROSCon conference 2024! Please find the full list of sponsor options on this page. We recommend that you claim your spot as soon as possible, as it will be provided on a first come, first served basis.

ROSCon are now accepting sponsorships for 2024!
Are you planning on participating in ROSCon this year? Then become one of the sponsors!
The conference will be held in Odense on October 21st – October 23rd, 2024. It is the venue for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extrordinary two days learning from and networking with the ROS community.
The core of the conference is (and always has been) content from the community, and this year, they are looking for proposals for three different types of content:
- Workshops: As in 2023, they will offer workshops on Day 0 of the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide space for participatory/interactive experiences between the presenter(s) and the attendees and the chance to go more in depth into a subject than a regular talk could allow.
- Talks: The standard presentation format is the talk, with the presenter(s) talking live about a specific topic, with a brief question period at the end, fitting into a 10, 20 or 30 minute time slot.
The conference will also contain panels, keynote speakers and of course, lightning talks. The conference program will be a combination of single-track and double-track sessions.
Please note that, as last year, ROSCon 2024 will be fully in-person, and remote presentations will not be considered.
Full details regarding the 2024 sponsorship benefits are listed in the sponsorship prospectus. We recommend that you claim your spot as soon as possible, booth space and sponsorship add-ons for ROSCon are provided on a first come, first served basis.
If you have questions about the venue layout please see the 2024 floor plan for more information.
Contact ROSCon via email to become a sponsor.
Sponsorship levels
The opportunities listed here are designed to fit a variety of budgets. ROSCon are able to tailor benefits to suit your goals.
Please let them know if you have a unique sponsorship opportunity in mind.
- Bronze – $ 3,000
- 1 complimentary registration
- Logo recognition on conference, website and mobile app
- Shared recognition on slide deck
- Logo on event signage
- Silver – $ 10,000
- 2 complimentary registrations
- Display space in exhibit hall (4m x 2m)
- Logo recognition on conference, website and mobile app
- Shared recognition on slide deck
- Logo on event signage
- Gold – $ 20,000
- 4 complimentary registrations
- Display space in exhibit hall (6m x 2m)
- Logo on conference t-shirt
- Logo recognition on conference, website and mobile app
- 1x Banner placement in high-traffic area
- Standalone recognition on slide deck before and after session
- Shared recognition on slide deck
- Recognition from the podium during the general sessions
- Name recognition on event mailings
- Logo on conference advertising
- Logo on blog posts and press materials
- Logo on event signage
- Platinum – $ 45,000
- 6 complimentary registrations
- Display space in exhibit hall (12m x 2m)
- Logo on conference t-shirt
- Logo recognition on conference, website and mobile app
- 2x Banner placement in high-traffic area
- Standalone recognition on slide deck before and after session
- Shared recognition on slide deck
- Recognition from the podium during the general sessions
- Name recognition on event mailings
- Logo on conference advertising
- Logo on blog posts and press materials
- Logo on event signage
- Diversity Scholarship
Add-on opportunities
Increase your exposure by purchasing an add-on opportunity! These add-ons are popular options for added recognition among attendees.
- Reception Sponsor – $ 20,000
- Exclusive sponsorship of the opening night reception
- Recognition as the reception sponsor throughout the event
- 5 minutes to address attendees during the session prior to the reception
- Napkins branded with your company logo will be used at the reception
- Registration Sponsor – $ 12,000
This sponsorship opportunity offers lanyard branding plus prime visibility at their onsite check-in area, ensuring maximum exposure to the attendees.- Dedicated welcome signage at onsite badge pickup
- All attendees will receive your two-color printed logo lanyard at registration and are required to wear their name badge to gain access into conference events.
- Lunch Sponsor – $ 7,500
- Dedicated signage recognizing the sponsorship at lunch service points
- 5 minutes to address attendees during the session prior to lunch
- Sticker Sheet – $ 5,000
Your brand will be featured on a custom sticker included in the exclusive sticker sheet alongside a collection of sought-after ROS stickers. These stickers have become a coveted swag item and will now be included for each attendee. - Puzzle Sponsor – $ 5,000
Feature your logo on a custom jigsaw puzzle prominently displayed at the event for attendees to work on together.
This engaging activity has become a beloved tradition, exemplifying the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration in the community. - Mobile App – $ 5,000
- Logo on conference website
- Recognition within conference app
- Two pre-scheduled push notifications via the app
- WiFi Sponsor – $ 5,000
- Logo and name recognition on signage, in slide deck, and on the network name and/or sign-in page, as allowed by the venue
- Swag Bag Insert – $ 3,000
Does your company have some exciting marketing items that you would love to get in the hands of all attendees? Then this is the add-on for you!- Sponsor-provided item, subject to approval by the Organising Committee, will be included in the conference registration bag.
- Items such as water bottles, RFID card holders, stress-relief balls, and other exciting items are encouraged!
- Refreshment – $ 1,500
- Dedicated signage at the service points recognising the sponsorship at the morning and afternoon refreshment breaks for one full conference day
- Recognition as the refreshment sponsor during the sessions before your sponsored break.
Other sponsorship opportunities
Looking for a different way to support and participate in the conference? Consider one of the options below.
- Diversity Scholarship – $ 5,000
The ROSCon Diversity Program is designed to enable participation in ROSCon by those typically underrepresented in the robotics community to make the conference a more fulfilling experience for all attendees.
Your sponsorship provides access to two participants by funding their conference registration, shared hotel accommodations, and a travel stipend. The program has had a powerful impact, and we at ROSCon encourage your support to help us expand the outreach of ROS- Logo recognition on the conference website at your sponsor level as well as on the diversity scholarship information section
- Logo recognition on a dedicated slide at the conference as well as named acknowledgment at the opening session
- Access to testimonials provided by the scholarship recipients post-conference
- Invitation to the pre-conference scholar meet and greet and the opportunity to briefly address the scholars
- Startup Alley Exhibit Area – $ 3,000
ROSCon is pleased to announce a new economical, shared exhibit space option to qualified companies/organisations. Space is extremely limited, so reach out today. It is included:- 1m x 1m shared exhibit area
- 1 bar-height round table and 1 stool
- 1 exhibit-only pass (Additional exhibit-only passes may be purchased)
- Small tent sign indicating your organization’s name
- Power supply and shared power strip
- Wifi on the show attendee network
Whether you are ready to commit to a specific level or have a question or special request regarding the sponsorship program, please contact the ROSCon executive committee.
21 October 2024 09:00
23 October 2024 16:00