Odense Robotics Annual Conference 2022
Meet Denmark’s entire robotics, automation and drone industry at one event at Odense Robotics first annual conference 23 March 2022.

Connect with Denmark’s robotics ecosystem at Odense Robotics’ first annual conference
Join us on 23 March for Odense Robotics’ first annual conference, which will be held at Odense Congress Center in connection with the R-22 robotics fair.
Bringing together the entire cluster, the conference is a must-attend event for members interested in the latest cluster developments and tech insights.
Keynotes, networking and awards
Featuring key speakers from Denmark’s robotics community, the event offers plenty of networking opportunities including an evening dinner and award ceremony.
The programme will be updated regularly. We hope to see you there.
Who will attend?
The event will bring together Denmark’s entire robotics, automation and drone industry, gathering Odense Robotics’ members from industry, academia and other key stakeholders.
Why should I sign up?
You will hear inspirational talks from industry and academia and learn how the cluster is accelerating growth and innovation amongst companies. Not least, this is an opportunity for you to network with peers at the cluster’s main annual event.
Register today
- paying members of Odense Robotics 500 DKK excluding VAT
- non-paying members of Odense Robotics 1000 DKK excluding VAT
Please note
You also need to register as a guest at R-22, as the annual conference is held in connection with the fair. Registration for R-22 opens in January 2022 .
By signing up to the event, you give permission to Odense Robotic to use pictures and video from the event in marketing activities.
General assembly
Members of Odense Robotics can also send one representative to the general assembly meeting, which will take place at 14:00-15:00 on March 23 at the same venue – more info here >>
Contact Ole Georg Andersen, Marketing Manager at Odense Robotics, if you have questions about the event ogand@odenserobotics.dk
- 16:00
Arrival and network
- 16:30
Henrik Anker, Chairman of Odense Robotics
- 16:35
State of the robotic union
Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics
- 17:00
Why automation is key to shaping tomorrow's factories
Martin Høgsbjerg, Head of SC Technology DK, Danfoss Drives
Gert Taul Pedersen, Business Development Director, Odense Robotics- 17:25
Networking and refreshments
- 17:50
Panel debate and overview of Danish Research within AI in robotics - now and in the future
Lars Dalgaard, Head of Service Robotics, Danish Technological Institute
Lazaros Nalpantidis, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, DTU
Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Professor, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU
Erdal Kayacan, Associate Professor, Aarhus University Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Preben E. Mogensen Professor, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University- 18:35
Networking dinner
- 20:00
Award show (sponsored by Nykredit and Digital Hub Denmark)
- 21:00
Annual conference ends
23 March 2022 16:00 - 21:00
Odense Congress Center - locale: Sjælland, Ørbækvej 350, 5220 OdenseTotal price excl. VAT
Tickets are available from 500 DKK
This event is for members of Odense Robotics

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