Danish Defence drone seminar
Danish Defence Command, UAS Test Center Denmark and Odense Robotics will host the seminar: Danish Defence drone seminar on 23 September. The topic will be innovative drone technology limited to 15 kilos.

The future of class 1 UAS Technology
Danish Defence Command, UAS Test Center Denmark and Odense Robotics will host the seminar: Danish Defence drone seminar on 23 September. The topic will be innovative drone technology limited to 15 kilos.
The seminar is an unique chance for your business to establish a connection to the Danish Defence, present your products as well as contribute to boost the Danish Defence knowledge on drone technology.
Join the event
Be a part of the event as an exhibitor, keynote speaker or participant.
The event is expected to include participation from Danish Defence Command chiefs, Danish Ministry of Defence, comprising Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO/FMI), Danish Ministry of Defence – estate agency, Danish Emergency Management Agency and the Danish Home Guard.
The Danish Defence want to boost their knowledge about the following
System integration
- Integration of UAS in existing systems
- Integration of UAS data in existing systems (payloads & C-UAS)
- Special conditions regarding data sharing (API, open standards are the norm)
Software Integration, AI & Data Security
- Live feed in ’screen glasses” and monitors in vehicles, AR functionality
- UAS data analytics tools (interlacing of data from multiple sources)
- Possibilities for onboard processing
- Automatic detection of weapons/vehicles/persons etc.
Advantages Drone Types and Payloads
- General drone platform knowledge (fixed wing vs multirotor etc.)
- Standardised payload options
Military Of The Shelf (MOTS) versus Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) solutions
- Function stability, signal safety and stability (encrypted connections) and resilience against C-UAS.
- 10:00
Welcome Danish Defence Capacity Lead
Introduction to the knowledge areas – Danish Defence Command, Development and Planning Staff
System integration: 1 – 2 keynotes from the industry / knowledge institutions
Software Integration, AI & Data Security: 1 – 2 keynotes from the industry / knowledge institutions
- 12:00
Advantages Drone Types and Payloads: 1 – 2 keynotes from the industry / knowledge institutions
Military Of The Shelf (MOTS) versus Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) solutions: 1 – 2 keynotes from the industry / knowledge institutions
- 14:00
Exhibition and network
- 16:00
Event ends
Sign up as a keynote presenter
Companies and knowledge institutions are invited to present during the programmes knowledge area sessions. Interested parties can e-mail a pitch (one-pager), whereafter the Danish Defence will choose, who gets to be in the final programme.
Send your pitch to openforbusiness@mil.dk no later than Monday 23 August 2021.
Exhibition and network
Relevant companies within the Danish drone industry, as well as knowledge institutions, can exhibit and take part in the event.
Choose that you want to exhibit, when signing up for the event using this form >>
Sign up
Sign up as a participant and exhibitor by using this form >>
Time and place
23. September, 10:00 – 16:00
HCA Airport, Lufthavnvej 131, 5270 Odense N, Denmark
More info
For more info – please contact Business Developer, Lisa Rosenlyst Hansen, Odense Robotics lrh@odenserobotics.com or Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization openforbusiness@mil.dk.
Odense Robotics is supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science as well as the Danish Board of Business Development.
23 September 2021 10:00 - 16:00
HCA Airport, Lufthavnvej 131, 5270 Odense NPrice